Road Conditions and Advisories
Your Drive along Ruta 40
Below you will find all you need to know about road conditions along Argentina’s Ruta 40, throughout its whole length from northern to southern Argentina.
Planning the ultimate South American Road Trip means knowing if there are any unexpected road events that may upset your journey.
Apart from this information, we suggest that you ask, at gas stations, stores and at the hotels that you stay at, how is the road ahead, especially in the more deserted areas of northern Route 40 (during the summer rainy season) or in Patagonia (during winter).
Detailed Highway Driving Conditions
Ruta 40 From North to South
Autumn 2018
Last Updated
Road information, updates, delays, road works and road closures, incidents and detours other events and activities.
In Red we highlight the road surface that is not paved (i.e. gravel), otherwise, the road is pavedo.
The yellow headers mark each province starting with Jujuy in the North and ending with Santa Cruz in Southern Patagonia
Jujuy 40 Lte. Salta/Jujuy-Emp. Ruta N° 9 Gravel Road Surface Transitable. Drive carefully. Opt to drive during daytime. 22/05/18 09:47
Salta 40 SECLANTAS - CACHI Gravel Road Surface Drive with caution. Roadwork heavy vehicles on the highway. Sistema Modular 22/05/18 07:26
Salta 40 CACHI - LA POMA Gravel Road Surface Drive with caution. Roadwork heavy vehicles on the highway. Sistema Modular 22/05/18 07:26
Salta 40 LA POMA - LA QUESERA Gravel Road Surface Drive with caution. Roadwork heavy vehicles on the highway. Sistema Modular 22/05/18 07:26
Salta 40 LA QUESERA - EMP. R.N. n°51 Gravel Road Surface Drive with caution. Roadwork heavy vehicles on the highway. Sistema Modular 22/05/18 07:26
Salta 40 1V40: SAN ANTONIO de los COBRES LTE. C/JUJUY Gravel Road Surface Drive with caution. Roadwork heavy vehicles on the highway. Sistema Modular 22/05/18 07:26
Salta 40 LTE. C/TUCUMAN - LA DARSENA PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Roadwork heavy vehicles on the highway. Sistema C.Re.Ma - Malla 401 - A 22/05/18 07:26
Salta 40 LA DARSENA - SECLANTAS Gravel Road Surface Drive with caution. Roadwork at en RN N°40- Km 4376 al Km 4377. Sistema p/Administración 22/05/18 07:26
Tucumán 40 Lte. Tucumán / Catamarca - Empalme R.P.N° 357 Gravel Road Surface Drive with caution New road under construction drive with care. Informes 11° Distrito Catamarca. 03834-430049.// Centro de Atención al Usuario 0800-222-6272 22/05/18 08:51
Tucumán 40 Emp. Ruta Prov. N° 357 - Lte. Tucumán / Salta PAVED ROAD Transitable Centro de Atención al Usuario 0800-222-6272 22/05/18 08:51
Catamarca 40 RIO AGUA CLARA - RIO LAS CUEVAS PAVED ROAD Road open and normal. - Work ongoing drive carefully due to roadworks. Centro de Atención al Usuario 0800-222-6272 . 22/05/18 06:28
Catamarca 40 RIO LAS CUEVAS - SANTA MARIA PAVED ROAD Road open and normal. Centro de Atención al Usuario 0800-222-6272 . 22/05/18 06:28
Catamarca 40 SANTA MARIA - LIMITE CON TUCUMAN PAVED ROAD Road open and normal. Work ongoing drive carefully due to roadworks. Centro de Atención al Usuario 0800-222-6272 . 22/05/18 06:28
Catamarca 40 EMPALME RUTA NACIONAL 60 - BELEN PAVED ROAD Road open and normal. Centro de Atención al Usuario 0800-222-6272 . 22/05/18 06:28
Catamarca 40 BELEN - RIO AGUA CLARA PAVED ROAD Road open and normal. Centro de Atención al Usuario 0800-222-6272 . 22/05/18 06:28
La Rioja
La Rioja 40 LAS TUCUMANESAS - PUERTO ALEGRE PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Piedra Pintada. Corte de pasto y maleza en forma manual. CENTRO DE ATENCION AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 / LUN. a VIE. de 9 A 18 Hs. 24/05/18 16:29
La Rioja 40 LIMITE CON SAN JUAN - GUANDACOL.- PAVED ROAD Transitable MODULAR. Fords being cleaned and concrete poured. CENTRO DE ATENCION AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 / LUN. a VIE. de 9 A 18 Hs. 22/05/18 11:58
La Rioja 40 NONOGASTA - LIMITE CON CATAMARCA.- PAVED ROAD Transitable Malla 309 / Pituil - Alpasinche. Shoulders being rebuilts. CENTRO DE ATENCION AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 / LUN. a VIE. de 9 A 18 Hs. 22/05/18 11:17
La Rioja 40 PUERTO ALEGRE - LOS TAMBILLLOS PAVED ROAD Road Closed CENTRO DE ATENCION AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 / LUN. a VIE. de 9 A 18 Hs. 22/05/18 11:36
La Rioja 40 VILLA UNION - LAS TUCUMANESAS PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. CENTRO DE ATENCION AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 / LUN. a VIE. de 9 A 18 Hs. 22/05/18 11:53
La Rioja 40 LOS TAMBILLOS - CUESTA DE MIRANDA - CACHIYUYAL PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Staff cutting bushes near highway. CENTRO DE ATENCION AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 / LUN. a VIE. de 9 A 18 Hs. 22/05/18 11:09
La Rioja 40 CACHIYUYAL - NONOGASTA PAVED ROAD Transitable. CENTRO DE ATENCION AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 / LUN. a VIE. de 9 A 18 Hs. 24/05/18 15:35
La Rioja 40 GUANDACOL - LA CHILCA PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. CENTRO DE ATENCION AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 / LUN. a VIE. de 9 A 18 Hs. 24/05/18 15:05
La Rioja 40 LA CHILCA - VILLA UNION PAVED ROAD Transitable CENTRO DE ATENCION AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 / LUN. a VIE. de 9 A 18 Hs. 24/05/18 16:10
San Juan
San Juan 40 MATAGUSANOS - TALACASTO (Km 3483,42 - Km 3518,60) PAVED ROAD Drive with caution Caution with the fords. Centro de atención al usuario: 0800-222-6272- Lun a vie de 9 a 18hs-. 21/05/18 07:00
San Juan 40 TALACASTO -TUCUNUCO (Km 3518,60 - Km 3575.34) PAVED ROAD Drive with caution Caution at all fords. Centro de atención al usuario: 0800-222-6272- Lun a vie de 9 a 18hs-. 21/05/18 07:00
San Juan 40 TUCUNUCO - JACHAL- (Km 3575,34- Km 3608,82) PAVED ROAD Transitable Caution if it rains. Centro de atención al usuario: 0800-222-6272- Lun a vie de 9 a 18hs-. 21/05/18 07:00
San Juan 40 ACC. A JACHAL - HUACO Km 3608,82 - Km 3649,08 PAVED ROAD Transitable Centro de atención al usuario: 0800-222-6272- Lun a vie de 9 a 18hs-. 21/05/18 07:00
San Juan 40 HUACO - LTE. CON LA RIOJA Km 3649,08- Km 3711,28 PAVED ROAD Drive with caution Caution at fords. Roadwork equipment working. Detours in some areas. Centro de atención al usuario: 0800-222-6272- Lun a vie de 9 a 18hs-. 21/05/18 07:00
San Juan 40 Va. MEDIA AGUA-ACCESO SUR (Km 3410,17 - Km 3461,34) PAVED ROAD Transitable Precaución! Obra de transformación en autopista. Construcción de colectoras. Máquinas y personal trabajando entre calles 8 y 5, Pocito. Detour at calle 9 -south to north until calle Mendoza; retake at calle 5. Going north to south detour from calle 5 to calle Mendoza; retake RN 40 at calle 10. Centro de atención al usuario: 0800-222-6272- Lun a vie de 9 a 18hs-. 21/05/18 07:00
San Juan 40 SAN JUAN - MATAGUSANOS (Km 3467 - Km 3483,42) PAVED ROAD Transitable Caution in the Acceso norte section from Circunvalación to bridge across Río San Juan. Detour at calle Rodríguez, calle Centenario y en Callejón Blanco. Roadwork building freeway, vehicles on highway. From Villicum to Matagusanos, caution at paved fords. Centro de atención al usuario: 0800-222-6272- Lun a vie de 9 a 18hs-. 21/05/18 07:00
Mendoza 40 LA PASARELA - BARDAS BLANCAS Gravel Road Surface Drive with caution flooding and mudslides and erosion. One way traffic in sections with detours. CONTRATO DE OBRA. CENTRO DE ATENCIóN AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 - LUNES A VIERNES DE 9 A 18 HS. 22/05/18 07:45
Mendoza 40 BARDAS BLANCAS - MALARGÜE PAVED ROAD Drive with caution CENTRO DE ATENCIóN AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 - LUNES A VIERNES DE 9 A 18 HS. 22/05/18 07:45
Mendoza 40 MALARGÜE - EMP. R.N.N° 144 PAVED ROAD Drive with caution CENTRO DE ATENCIóN AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 - LUNES A VIERNES DE 9 A 18 HS. 22/05/18 07:45
Mendoza 40 EMPALME R.N.N° 144 - EL SOSNEADO - LA JAULA Gravel Road Surface Drive with caution CENTRO DE ATENCIóN AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 - LUNES A VIERNES DE 9 A 18 HS. 22/05/18 07:45
Mendoza 40 LA JAULA - PAREDITAS Gravel Road Surface Drive with caution CENTRO DE ATENCIóN AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 - LUNES A VIERNES DE 9 A 18 HS. 22/05/18 07:45
Mendoza 40 PAREDITAS - TUNUYAN PAVED ROAD Road open and normal. CENTRO DE ATENCIóN AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 - LUNES A VIERNES DE 9 A 18 HS. 22/05/18 07:45
Mendoza 40 TUNUYAN - MENDOZA PAVED ROAD Road open and normal. CENTRO DE ATENCIóN AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 - LUNES A VIERNES DE 9 A 18 HS. 22/05/18 07:45
Mendoza 40 MENDOZA - LTE. C/SAN JUAN PAVED ROAD Road open and normal. CENTRO DE ATENCIóN AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 - LUNES A VIERNES DE 9 A 18 HS. 22/05/18 07:45
Mendoza 40 LTE. NEUQUEN - MENDOZA - EMPALME RUTA PCIAL N° 221 PAVED ROAD Drive with care, erosion due to rain. Road in poor condition. (Roadwark in the area). CENTRO DE ATENCIóN AL USUARIO: 0800-222-6272 - LUNES A VIERNES DE 9 A 18 HS. 22/05/18 07:45
Neuquen 40 Acceso Villa Traful - Lago Villarino PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Ice may form in some areas. length: 25 km. Administración 12° Dto. Neuquén. 22/05/18 08:55
Neuquen 40 Lago Villarino - Emp. R.N. N°234 (Rinconada) PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Ice may form in some areas length: 123 km. Administración 12° Dto. Neuquén. 22/05/18 08:55
Neuquen 40 Emp. R.N. N°234 (Rinconada) - Catan Lil PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Ice may form in some areas length: 35 km. ADMINISTRACIóN 12° DTO. NEUQUéN 22/05/18 08:55
Neuquen 40 Catan Lil - Zapala PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Loose animals (goats, sheep, cows, horses) length: 121 km. ADMINISTRACIóN 12° DTO. NEUQUéN 22/05/18 08:55
Neuquen 40 Zapala - Las Lajas PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Loose animals length: 49 km. Administración del 12° Dto. Neuquén. 22/05/18 08:55
Neuquen 40 Las Lajas - Chos Malal PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Loose animals length: 156.91 km. Administración del 12° Dto. Neuquén. 22/05/18 08:55
Neuquen 40 Chos Malal - Lte. c/ Mendoza PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Loose animals. length: 133.27 km. Administración del 12° Dto. Neuquén. 22/05/18 08:55
Neuquen 40 Lte. con Río Negro - Emp. R.N. N°231 PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Loose animals and roadwork filling in potholes. Longitud 98,51 km. Sistema C.Re.Ma. Malla 109. COARCO S.A. 22/05/18 08:55
Neuquen 40 Emp. R.N 231 - Acceso Villa Traful PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. Ice may form in some sections. length: 20 km. Administración 12° Dto. Neuquén. 22/05/18 08:55
Rio Negro
Rio Negro 40 Inicio Circunv. (Acc Aerop.) - Lte.c/Neuquen PAVED ROAD Drive with caution Follow maximum speed limits and overtake only where allowed. Heavy Traffic. 22/05/18 07:05
Rio Negro 40 Límite c/Chubut - Inicio Circunvalac. PAVED ROAD Drive with caution Winding road with many curves, moderate traffic. Drive at safe speeds and overtake only where permitted. 22/05/18 07:05
Rio Negro 40 Circunvalación de S.C. De Bariloche PAVED ROAD Drive with caution Roadwork and heavy equipment repaving the belt-road, reduced lanes follow indications, drive at prudent speed, overtake where permitted. Winding road. 22/05/18 07:05
Chubut 40 S.C. DE BARILOCHE - ESQUEL / Acc.Cholila - Emp. RNN°259 PAVED ROAD Drive with caution Wet road, unstable shoulders, some potholes. Roadwork vehicles. Detour from KM 1771-1776 (drive detour at 40KM Per hour) 22/05/18 09:24
Chubut 40 ESQUEL - TECKA - SARMIENTO - CRO.RIVADAVIA / Emp. RNN°259 - Tecka PAVED ROAD Drive with caution normal road loose animals 22/05/18 09:24
Chubut 40 ESQUEL - TECKA - SARMIENTO - CRO.RIVADAVIA / Tecka - Gob.Costa PAVED ROAD Drive with caution wet road surface, roadworking vehicles, loose animals. 22/05/18 09:24
Chubut 40 ESQUEL - TECKA - SARMIENTO - CRO.RIVADAVIA / Gob.Costa - Emp. RNN°26 PAVED ROAD Drive with caution wet road surface, some potholes roadworking vehicles, loose animals. 22/05/18 09:24
Chubut 40 ACC. RIO MAYO - LTE. CON SANTA CRUZ / Emp. RNN°26 - Rio Mayo PAVED ROAD Drive with caution wet road surface, roadworking vehicles, loose animals. 22/05/18 09:24
Chubut 40 ACC. RIO MAYO - LTE. CON SANTA CRUZ / Rio Mayo - Lte. Sta. Cruz PAVED ROAD drive with caution normal conditions, loose animals 22/05/18 09:24
Chubut 40 RAWSON - TRELEW - LOS ALTARES - TECKA - ESQUEL / Tecka - Esquel PAVED ROAD Drive with caution normal road, loose animals 22/05/18 09:24
Chubut 40 S.C. DE BARILOCHE - ESQUEL / S.C. de Bariloche - El Bolson PAVED ROAD Drive with caution wet road surface, unstable shoulders 22/05/18 09:24
Chubut 40 S.C. DE BARILOCHE - ESQUEL / El Bolson - Acc.Cholila PAVED ROAD Drive with caution wet road surface, roadworking vehicles, unstable shoulders 22/05/18 09:24
Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz 40 EMP.R.N.N° 3 - PUNTA LOYOLA PAVED ROAD Drive with caution calzada húmeda , detour and road under construction 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 TAPI AIKE - PUNTA DEL MONTE PAVED ROAD Drive with caution frost on highway 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 RíO OLNIE - LAS HORQUETAS PAVED ROAD Drive with caution slippery due to frost and potholes. Loose animals. 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 RIO PINTURAS - BAJO CARACOLES PAVED ROAD Drive with caution calzada resbaladiza por escarcha y sectores con baches .Animales sueltos. 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 PUENTE BLANCO - BELLA VISTA PAVED ROAD Drive with caution sectors with frost 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 LAS HORQUETAS - TAMEL AIKE PAVED ROAD Drive with caution due to frost. Potholes, loose animals 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 CASA RIERA - GOBERNADOR GREGORES PAVED ROAD Drive with caution morning frost, Potholes, loose animals 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 TAMEL AIKE - CASA RIERA PAVED ROAD Drive with caution por morning frost, Potholes, loose animals 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 GORBENADOR GREGORES - LAGO CARDIEL PAVED ROAD Drive with caution morning frost, Potholes, loose animals 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 LAGO CARDIEL - TRES LAGOS Gravel Road Surface only driveable with extreme caution and using 4X4 vehicles due heavy mud and deep ruts Loose animals (at Lago Cardiel) 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 PUNTA DEL MONTE - 28 DE NOVIEMBRE PAVED ROAD Drive with caution due to frost 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 TRES LAGOS - LA LEONA PAVED ROAD Drive with caution frost, mist and loose animals. 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 28 DE NOVIEMBRE - ROSPENTEK PAVED ROAD Drive with caution, frost 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 LA LEONA - LA IRENE PAVED ROAD Drive with caution frost, mist and loose animals. 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 ROSPENTEK - TURBIO VIEJO PAVED ROAD Drive with caution frost 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 LA IRENE - EMP.R.P.N°11 PAVED ROAD Drive with caution por frost, mist and loose animals. 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 TURBIO VIEJO - PUENTE BLANCO Gravel Road Surface Drive with caution, frost 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 EMP.R.P.N°11 - BAJADA DE MIGUEZ PAVED ROAD Drive with cautionfrost, mist and loose animals. 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 PERITO MORENO - RíO PINTURAS PAVED ROAD Drive with caution slippery road due to frost. loose animals Convenio Interadministrativo. 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 BAJADA DE MIGUEZ - EL CERRITO PAVED ROAD Drive with caution frost, mist and loose animals. 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 EL CERRITO - LA ESPERANZA PAVED ROAD Drive with caution frost, mist and loose animals. 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 LTE C/CHUBUT-PERITO MORENO PAVED ROAD Drive with caution, slippery road due to frost. loose animals 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 BELLA VISTA - GÜER AIKE PAVED ROAD Drive with caution slippery road due to frost. loose animals 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 LA ESPERANZA - TAPI AIKE PAVED ROAD Drive with caution slippery road due to frost. loose animals 24/05/18 08:52
Santa Cruz 40 BAJO CARACOLES - RíO OLNIE PAVED ROAD Drive with caution. slippery road due to frost. loose animals 24/05/18 08:52
We thank Argentina's National Highway Directorate (Dirección Nacional de Vialidad) for this information, which you can find online at their website Road Conditions.
Useful Phones of the Highway Authorities
National Highway Contact Details
Get in touch with each provincial delegation of the Dirección Nacional de Vialidad along Ruta 40:
They can give you an updated Road Condition with current information:
- Jujuy
Av. Santibañez 1312, Jujuy.
Tel ⁄ Fax: (0388) 422-9422 ⁄ 423-6704.
E-mail: - Salta
Pellegrini 715, Salta.
Tel (0387) 423-3719 ⁄ 423-3975. Fax 4233207
E-mail: - Tucumán
Av. Mate de Luna 1981, S.M. de Tucumán.
Tel (0381) 433-0184 ⁄ 433-1000. Fax 433-1001
E-mail: - Catamarca
San Martín 871, Catamarca. Tel (03833) 430-049 ⁄ 423-678. Fax 430-984
E-mail: y - La Rioja
Av. Ortiz de Ocampo 1310, La Rioja.
Tel (03822) 427-109 ⁄ 425-344. Fax: 425-339
E-mail: - San Juan
Av. Guillermo Rawson 377(N) San Juan.
Tel(0264) 421-3534 ⁄ 421-3566 ⁄ 421-2532. Fax (0264) 421-1533.
E-mail: - Mendoza
Pedro Molina 748, Mendoza.
Tel (0261) 425-8212 ⁄ 429-1628 ⁄ 429-4433 ⁄ 425-6928. Fax 423-6592
Ver también: Vialidad Provincial Mendoza - Neuquen
Alderete 520, Neuquen.
Tel (0299) 448-0315 ⁄ 442-2457. Fax 442-4141
Ver también: Vialidad Provincial Neuquén - Rio Negro
Julio Roca 146, Viedma.
Tel (02920) 423-181 ⁄ 423-184. Fax 423-183
E-mail: - Chubut
Martín Cutillo 246, Trelew.
Tel ⁄ Fax (0280) 442-0595 ⁄ 442-1281.
Ver también: Rutas, Combustible y clima Defensa Civil Chubut - Santa Cruz
Errasuriz 482, Rio Gallegos.
Tel (02966) 436-836 ⁄ 436-846 ⁄ Fax 436-836
Also visit: Vialidad Provincial Santa Cruz
More useful Ruta 40 information
Useful Links:
Ruta 40: Road sections with detailed indications of the road alignment, sights, attractions, accommodation, tips and advice.
Location of the Service Stations along the highway.